What Do I Say To Get Her Back - A Secret Strategy to Hook Her Interest Again

Posted byRelationships Tips Guides

You've just gone through a breakup and you don't know what to say to get her back. This is a common problem for many guys, and with good reason; men and women speak different languages! So here's a simple strategy on what to say to get her back.

1. Put on your "happy" face.

You need to communicate to her that you're okay with the breakup (even though you're not, of course). Tell her that you understand her reasons for breaking up. Act like it's okay, and you're going to move on.

2. Apologize, but don't over-apologize.
A simple "I'm sorry for the mistakes I made, and for how I hurt you" is enough. It's important that your apology is sincere, though.
Just don't over-apologize, as that portrays you as being wimpy, or weak. Simply do your apologizing and mean it - and then move on.

3. Say "there's no pressure."

You want to leave the doors open for her, should she be inclined to want to get back to you. But you don't want to pressure her to come back to you.

A simple statement that you don't expect anything from her is enough. Something like:
"I know why you wanted to break up, now. I'm sorry things turned out like they did. I really hope we can (be friends, stay in touch, whatever you'd like)."

This communicates to her that you're willing to stay in contact, and you're leaving the door open.
Note: don't expect anything from her right away. She won't have seen this coming; your behavior will most likely be a pleasant surprise to her. So she might want some time apart, in which case you'll need to work on the next aspect of reconnecting with her after a breakup.

4. Leave her alone for a bit.

Now that you've done that, it's time to start working on yourself. Getting your head into a clear place again is a great idea after a breakup. How to do this? Focus on your favorite hobbies and activities. Get outside and play your favorite sports again. Call your friends for a game of football in the yard.

Rent some movies. Catch up on work. Do things that are healthy, positive distractions - and you WILL start to feel better. It may take a few days for the positive moods to come back, but if you really make the conscious effort to heal, you will.

Special bonus tip:

I've studied these techniques to a T, and they've worked for me. Each step in this blueprint I'm going to give you will explain exactly what you need to do to clear your mind, get back in touch with her, and get her to be attracted to you again.

Click here to visit my website. Input your email into the opt-in box, and you'll receive a free guide, as well as a full 13-part newsletter series on how to get your ex-girlfriend to come back to you.

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Why Do Girls Keep Flaking On Me? Dating Tips For Men

Posted byRelationships Tips Guides

This is a really common problem among guys learning to get better with women.

Often they have had zero success with women, then they start learning how to talk to girls, they get a phone number and they experience a surge of adrenaline and joy like never before.

They feel that finally they are getting somewhere.

Then next day you call her up and...nothing. The phone just rings and rings and rings...nothing. So you send her a text - again, nothing. So you call again the next day and..nothing.

This then becomes a familiar pattern - you get on well with a girl, take her number and next day it's like you don't exist.

Here's what going on:

1) You didn't create a strong enough connection early on

This is especially true when you meet girls in bars. Realize that an attractive girl probably has 10 or more guys trying to pick her up every night. Let's say 7 of them bore the pants off her, but 3 make her laugh a bit and she gives them her number. 2 of the 7 were a bit pushy, so she gave them her number as well, just to try and make them go away.

Next day, all 5 of them get in touch with her. When you take into account how many guys she has spoken to, alcohol, flashing lights, all kinds of things grabbing her attention all night long - is she really that likely to separate you from any other guy she spoke to if you just had a decent conversation for 10 minutes or so?


You have to use banter and rapport here. Banter in the initial stages so you come in high energy and fun and you make her laugh. Rapport so you have some kind of connection, so when you call up she actually remembers you.

2) You didn't give specifics about exactly when you would call/text

Personally I'm a bit too old for texting, so I prefer to call. But it's ok to say 'I'll text you tomorrow' - the only problem is that you're then sat there waiting for her to respond.

If you give specifics, she knows to expect your call.

If you do text, one thing you can try is giving her a nickname when you first meet. Just pick out something in her personality - let's say you tease her a little bit and she teases you back, you might say...'wow, you're feisty! I like that...good work, Miss Feisty!'

Then for the rest of the conversation you refer to her as Miss Feisty.

Often she will respond with 'well if you're calling me Miss Feisty, I'm calling you Mr Jerk!'

When you text or call next day, you can simply say 'Heeeeeyyyy... Miss Feisty! What's going on!!?'

This will make her laugh, as she will instantly remember the conversation and more importantly, remember you. You can expect a text back like 'Mr Jerk...how are you?'

Then, just call her right up and talk to her - banter and rapport like you did the previous night.

3) If you arranged a date, you made it too much pressure

Keep first dates low key when you don't know each other that well. She will be worrying about whether the conversation will be awkward - so if you arrange a 7 course banquet, she will be concerned about what happens if you realise you have nothing to say to each other and they haven't even served the appetizers yet.

Make it clear that it's nothing major, and you can both end the date at any time if you feel it's not going well.

This will greatly increase the chances of her actually turning up.

So there you have it...give these tips a try, and you might find yourself actually meeting some of your girls again!

Discover how to unleash your inner, naturally attractive real man and learn to attract women without even trying.

Learn more about how to get sexy, gorgeous women hanging on your every word at http://www.smartguydating.com/

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Top 4 Steps to Surviving Divorce and Starting a New Life for Women

Posted byRelationships Tips Guides

Surviving divorce and starting a new life is a huge challenge especially for women. Most of the time, it is the women who suffer more from the effects of separation. The kids stay in her custody. She works for the family's daily expenses while trying to be both a mom and a dad to her kids. Not to mention, the emotional impact that she's still struggling with. No wonder it's advisable for divorced women to seek guidance in terms of coaching or having a support network.

1. Get Support

Usually, the news of a divorce comes with a blow and the events are so fast that everyone in the family, especially the woman, finds herself starting a new life. But there are still cases wherein the woman is aware of a looming divorce. This makes sense if she has discovered that her husband is cheating on her or that their relationship is crumbling apart. Whether it's unexpected or not, the process of separation won't be easy, in particular, emotionally. Mostly, divorced women seek a network of support to help them cope with the emotional impact of the separation. This support network is commonly consists of their friends, family and church. Often times, women decide to go outside of their comfort zone to seek other outlets such as an online divorce forum or a divorce coach who themselves have gone through the painful process of divorce.

2. Be Strong

Starting a new life after divorce is going to be difficult, but you have to be strong. If you have found a trusted support network, make the most out of the opportunities that you can get from it including developing your emotional strength. You know you have to be strong, yes easier said then done. But being strong is your only option, not only for yourself, but for your kids as well. Your children especially the little ones need you more than ever. You can't let them down. They have already been through enough because of the divorce and if you don't gather your strength, you will find it hard to guide them through this sudden, painful change.

3. Renew Life

One obvious effect of the separation is the fact that nothing is going to be the same again. You are once again living a life on your own. Your shared plans with your former spouse are going to be worthless. It's not practical for a woman to still envision a life with her estranged husband. She has to start renewing her life wherein her focus should be her children and herself. Keep in this in mind if you are someone who is starting a new life after divorce.

4. Seek Help

Coaching will help and guide women who are starting a new life while dealing with the effects of divorce. You may need professional help aside from your support network. If that's what you are feeling, then go for it. You need all the guidance that you can have in these tough times. Consulting with a divorce coach may be beneficial for you.

Starting a new life and surviving divorce is a struggle for most women. Remember the tips and advice mentioned here to aid you in getting back on your feet. Don't ever let divorce end your life. It may end your marriage, but it shouldn't end you as a person and as a woman.

Tawawn Lowe is a certified life coach, with Life Coach Institute, and has more than two decades of federal government experience. She specializes in divorce coaching, showing women there's life after divorce. As a life coach and motivational speaker, Tawawn has turned her passion into power to assist others in achieving their success. Tawawn knows all too well how separation and divorce can devastate and consume women, thus hindering them from rebuilding their lives. As a 2x divorcee, she knows and understands that there is life after divorce and that divorce does not have to determine one's destiny. Visit her online at http://www.tawawnlowe.com/ or call 877-544-9047. If you're interested in more information about her upcoming event "Untying the Knot: There's Life After Divorce" visit http://www.untying-the-knot.com/

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