Top Tips On How To Get A Man To Want You Back

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Did your boyfriend just ask for "space" or bring up the possibility of a break up? If so, then I'm sorry for what you are going through. I am aware of how hard this can be on you. That being said, here are some things you need to know on how to get a man to want you back if you're bent on saving the old relationship.

If you want to find out how to save your relationship, then you should first know a few facts. Getting them back will take time and hard work, but then you're willing to do so, right? However, there are some things that you need to know first before proceeding.

Using Your Most Effective Weapon

You must realize that you have no control over your ex no matter how much you want to. This means that no matter how much you contact them, there's no way that you can make them change their mind.

You will only push them further if you try too hard to convince them. Of course, you still have control over some things and that thing is you. Figuring out how to get him back necessitates you thinking about what you can do. Your goal is not to demand love but to attract it.

Remember when the two of you were perfectly happy with each other? What you need to do is be the person he was once in love with. After a breakup, people usually find themselves struggling with a low self-esteem. You're probably feeling horribly insecure right now.

The Importance of Needing Vs. Wanting

Women who are confident and know just how important they are can be very attractive. Unfortunately, the breakup made it hard for you to plan on how to get your boyfriend back. Hence, you need to change your focus in order to get them back.

This means that you must stop needing your ex and simply want them in your life. Needing someone means that they have to be in your life in order for you to be happy. This makes your ex feel pressured while making you look unappealing at the same time. You need to shift your focus and merely want them in your life. By wanting him, you can survive with or without him in your life. By doing this, you will be able to get him back.

What you should do is focus on yourself and improve your life instead of thinking too much about how to get a man to want you back. Learn how to be happy and enjoy life without being dependent on your ex. Try calling your friends and bonding with family. Join a gym or maybe finally get that promotion that you've always wanted. Whatever it is, it must be geared towards improving your life.

If you found this helpful and you'd like to learn more check out I Want Him Back on the website Signs Your Ex Loves You.

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Your Ex Girlfriend Is Over You! Why You Need to Focus on Yourself Now

Posted byRelationships Tips Guides

There's an enveloping sadness that washes over a man when he comes to the realization that his last love has moved on and forgotten about him. It's emotional and it's understandable why a sense of loss would accompany those feelings. The promise that was still alive has now vanished and all that is left for you to do is move forward towards a future without her. As overwhelming a notion that seems to be, it's necessary for your own emotional well-being and happiness. There is no argument that break ups are painful and can feel devastating, but they can also be a strong source of learning and self-realization. You can grow as a man and a potential partner from this and if you set your focus right you can become the man of any woman's dreams by using the pain you feel now to make positive changes.

If your ex girlfriend is over you, it's important that you come to terms with the break up and let go of the emotions that you've been holding onto in response to that. In other words, all that anger, anxiety, tension and frustration must become part of your past and not a continuing part of your future. You may resent her if the break up was solely her decision. Perhaps you feel swallowed by sadness because she's the only woman you've felt such a strong emotional connection with. Dealing with these emotions can be challenging but the reward of freedom is worth it.

Begin by writing down everything you've been feeling about your girlfriend. There's no need to hold anything back since this won't be something she or anyone else will ever see. Pour your heart out in the form of written or typed words. Once you're done look at the list. There's a wide range of emotions there, right? That's actually healthy because it means you're a sensitive soul which will help you tremendously as you move forward towards a new relationship. Pick out which emotions you feel most frequently. Those are the ones you must focus on now.

If you're angry with your ex, you must find forgiveness in your heart. If you don't, the bitterness you feel will manifest itself in negative ways and you'll become a misguided shell of the man you could be. Forgiveness doesn't come easy but once given it can transform your outlook. Think about choice and how sometimes we're not able to choose what our heart decides. Perhaps your girlfriend simply fell out of love with you and you should see her actions in breaking up with you as compassionate instead of destructive. Maybe she just wanted you to find someone who could love you the way you deserved to be loved.

As you work through the emotions you've identified, keep a strong focus on the man that you are. Just because your girlfriend rejected you that doesn't mean that there won't be a dozen women in the future who would love to be involved with you. If you take the pain and utter disappointment you feel now and learn from it, you'll become that much more desirable because you'll be one of a few rare men who is in touch with his emotions and isn't afraid of expressing them.

There will be moments when you miss your ex girlfriend enormously. Expect those and allow yourself to experience them. Trying to shut down those feelings won't magically make them disappear. Feeling them and then letting them go will help you deal with what's happened in a way that is best for you and your heart.

You know your heart better than anyone. Moving forward from a break up is a marathon, not a sprint. Taking time to decide whether you want to embrace the break up or get her back is essential.

If you do decide that your love is worth another try, there are ways to get her to open up to you again so you two can rebuild your connection.

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What Do I Say To Get Her Back - A Secret Strategy to Hook Her Interest Again

Posted byRelationships Tips Guides

You've just gone through a breakup and you don't know what to say to get her back. This is a common problem for many guys, and with good reason; men and women speak different languages! So here's a simple strategy on what to say to get her back.

1. Put on your "happy" face.

You need to communicate to her that you're okay with the breakup (even though you're not, of course). Tell her that you understand her reasons for breaking up. Act like it's okay, and you're going to move on.

2. Apologize, but don't over-apologize.
A simple "I'm sorry for the mistakes I made, and for how I hurt you" is enough. It's important that your apology is sincere, though.
Just don't over-apologize, as that portrays you as being wimpy, or weak. Simply do your apologizing and mean it - and then move on.

3. Say "there's no pressure."

You want to leave the doors open for her, should she be inclined to want to get back to you. But you don't want to pressure her to come back to you.

A simple statement that you don't expect anything from her is enough. Something like:
"I know why you wanted to break up, now. I'm sorry things turned out like they did. I really hope we can (be friends, stay in touch, whatever you'd like)."

This communicates to her that you're willing to stay in contact, and you're leaving the door open.
Note: don't expect anything from her right away. She won't have seen this coming; your behavior will most likely be a pleasant surprise to her. So she might want some time apart, in which case you'll need to work on the next aspect of reconnecting with her after a breakup.

4. Leave her alone for a bit.

Now that you've done that, it's time to start working on yourself. Getting your head into a clear place again is a great idea after a breakup. How to do this? Focus on your favorite hobbies and activities. Get outside and play your favorite sports again. Call your friends for a game of football in the yard.

Rent some movies. Catch up on work. Do things that are healthy, positive distractions - and you WILL start to feel better. It may take a few days for the positive moods to come back, but if you really make the conscious effort to heal, you will.

Special bonus tip:

I've studied these techniques to a T, and they've worked for me. Each step in this blueprint I'm going to give you will explain exactly what you need to do to clear your mind, get back in touch with her, and get her to be attracted to you again.

Click here to visit my website. Input your email into the opt-in box, and you'll receive a free guide, as well as a full 13-part newsletter series on how to get your ex-girlfriend to come back to you.

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Why Do Girls Keep Flaking On Me? Dating Tips For Men

Posted byRelationships Tips Guides

This is a really common problem among guys learning to get better with women.

Often they have had zero success with women, then they start learning how to talk to girls, they get a phone number and they experience a surge of adrenaline and joy like never before.

They feel that finally they are getting somewhere.

Then next day you call her up and...nothing. The phone just rings and rings and rings...nothing. So you send her a text - again, nothing. So you call again the next day and..nothing.

This then becomes a familiar pattern - you get on well with a girl, take her number and next day it's like you don't exist.

Here's what going on:

1) You didn't create a strong enough connection early on

This is especially true when you meet girls in bars. Realize that an attractive girl probably has 10 or more guys trying to pick her up every night. Let's say 7 of them bore the pants off her, but 3 make her laugh a bit and she gives them her number. 2 of the 7 were a bit pushy, so she gave them her number as well, just to try and make them go away.

Next day, all 5 of them get in touch with her. When you take into account how many guys she has spoken to, alcohol, flashing lights, all kinds of things grabbing her attention all night long - is she really that likely to separate you from any other guy she spoke to if you just had a decent conversation for 10 minutes or so?


You have to use banter and rapport here. Banter in the initial stages so you come in high energy and fun and you make her laugh. Rapport so you have some kind of connection, so when you call up she actually remembers you.

2) You didn't give specifics about exactly when you would call/text

Personally I'm a bit too old for texting, so I prefer to call. But it's ok to say 'I'll text you tomorrow' - the only problem is that you're then sat there waiting for her to respond.

If you give specifics, she knows to expect your call.

If you do text, one thing you can try is giving her a nickname when you first meet. Just pick out something in her personality - let's say you tease her a little bit and she teases you back, you might say...'wow, you're feisty! I like that...good work, Miss Feisty!'

Then for the rest of the conversation you refer to her as Miss Feisty.

Often she will respond with 'well if you're calling me Miss Feisty, I'm calling you Mr Jerk!'

When you text or call next day, you can simply say 'Heeeeeyyyy... Miss Feisty! What's going on!!?'

This will make her laugh, as she will instantly remember the conversation and more importantly, remember you. You can expect a text back like 'Mr are you?'

Then, just call her right up and talk to her - banter and rapport like you did the previous night.

3) If you arranged a date, you made it too much pressure

Keep first dates low key when you don't know each other that well. She will be worrying about whether the conversation will be awkward - so if you arrange a 7 course banquet, she will be concerned about what happens if you realise you have nothing to say to each other and they haven't even served the appetizers yet.

Make it clear that it's nothing major, and you can both end the date at any time if you feel it's not going well.

This will greatly increase the chances of her actually turning up.

So there you have it...give these tips a try, and you might find yourself actually meeting some of your girls again!

Discover how to unleash your inner, naturally attractive real man and learn to attract women without even trying.

Learn more about how to get sexy, gorgeous women hanging on your every word at

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Top 4 Steps to Surviving Divorce and Starting a New Life for Women

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Surviving divorce and starting a new life is a huge challenge especially for women. Most of the time, it is the women who suffer more from the effects of separation. The kids stay in her custody. She works for the family's daily expenses while trying to be both a mom and a dad to her kids. Not to mention, the emotional impact that she's still struggling with. No wonder it's advisable for divorced women to seek guidance in terms of coaching or having a support network.

1. Get Support

Usually, the news of a divorce comes with a blow and the events are so fast that everyone in the family, especially the woman, finds herself starting a new life. But there are still cases wherein the woman is aware of a looming divorce. This makes sense if she has discovered that her husband is cheating on her or that their relationship is crumbling apart. Whether it's unexpected or not, the process of separation won't be easy, in particular, emotionally. Mostly, divorced women seek a network of support to help them cope with the emotional impact of the separation. This support network is commonly consists of their friends, family and church. Often times, women decide to go outside of their comfort zone to seek other outlets such as an online divorce forum or a divorce coach who themselves have gone through the painful process of divorce.

2. Be Strong

Starting a new life after divorce is going to be difficult, but you have to be strong. If you have found a trusted support network, make the most out of the opportunities that you can get from it including developing your emotional strength. You know you have to be strong, yes easier said then done. But being strong is your only option, not only for yourself, but for your kids as well. Your children especially the little ones need you more than ever. You can't let them down. They have already been through enough because of the divorce and if you don't gather your strength, you will find it hard to guide them through this sudden, painful change.

3. Renew Life

One obvious effect of the separation is the fact that nothing is going to be the same again. You are once again living a life on your own. Your shared plans with your former spouse are going to be worthless. It's not practical for a woman to still envision a life with her estranged husband. She has to start renewing her life wherein her focus should be her children and herself. Keep in this in mind if you are someone who is starting a new life after divorce.

4. Seek Help

Coaching will help and guide women who are starting a new life while dealing with the effects of divorce. You may need professional help aside from your support network. If that's what you are feeling, then go for it. You need all the guidance that you can have in these tough times. Consulting with a divorce coach may be beneficial for you.

Starting a new life and surviving divorce is a struggle for most women. Remember the tips and advice mentioned here to aid you in getting back on your feet. Don't ever let divorce end your life. It may end your marriage, but it shouldn't end you as a person and as a woman.

Tawawn Lowe is a certified life coach, with Life Coach Institute, and has more than two decades of federal government experience. She specializes in divorce coaching, showing women there's life after divorce. As a life coach and motivational speaker, Tawawn has turned her passion into power to assist others in achieving their success. Tawawn knows all too well how separation and divorce can devastate and consume women, thus hindering them from rebuilding their lives. As a 2x divorcee, she knows and understands that there is life after divorce and that divorce does not have to determine one's destiny. Visit her online at or call 877-544-9047. If you're interested in more information about her upcoming event "Untying the Knot: There's Life After Divorce" visit

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My experience as a first time Vietnamese Wedding Photographer

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Weddings are equal to photograph a baby or child. You have to wait the right moment and choose the moment of a lifetime. No wedding will provide second chances. And this is true in Vietnamese weddings as well. They are highly ritualistic and capture such a marriage of modern Western Vietnamito was quite an experience for me as a Vietnamese wedding photographer.

I am a professional wedding photographer and then be fast fingers with cameras is second nature. Be familiar with the practices of marriage usually prepares the mind of a photographer, and he or she will know what to do next, what are the major events and that one of them will make a great photo. However, being the first photographer Vietnamese time meant lots of homework and foundations regarding the rituals and traditions.

Familiarize yourself with the different ceremony itself was exciting. The couple to be married has led me to the wedding of a friend, who happened to be a true marriage Vietnamito. The experience was very enriching. There is a formal commitment ceremony in the presence of elders from the side of the bridegroom and the bride. They celebrate the engagement at least half a year before the date of marriage. A priest or a reader sets the date.

Lot of gifts are exchanged and everything is wrapped in red or pink and gold. These colors symbolize good fortune and prosperity. The day of the wedding, the groom wears a traditional áo g?m formal menswear, which is usually red or blue. The bride wears an ao dai, who is the female version of áo g?m. Wearing red or pink.

Parents pray at the altar set up at the family home of the bride. Husband's family is received by the bride's family. Husband's family carries a lot of jewelry and gifts for the bride, presenting to you, at the end of the marriage to mark the acceptance of her family. There are a lot of speeches given by elders from both sides.

Modern touch

The modern twist is that, nowadays, the marriage takes place the biggest wedding halls or temples or churches (in the case of Vietnamese Catholic). The spouses no longer wear traditional clothing, but have changed to formal dresses. Also, in the case of Catholics, the bride wears a white wedding dress, rather than by ao pink or red. Exchange of rings is another addition.

The concept of a party too was adopted to keep in mind the lifestyles change. Most non-Vietnamese friends I would like to attend a welcoming family, attend a wedding ceremony not familiar.

A photographer Vietnamito needs to keep all these in mind and come up with an action plan that will ensure that none of the important ceremonies, such as the prayer to the altar or tea ceremony or ceremonial candle or white moments are lost.

Attending a previous marriage Vietnamito helped me as the photographer of the image and plan what I wanted to cover for the wedding and I was happy it that my clients were impressed by it!

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Spectacular wedding dresses for a day you will never forget

Posted byRelationships Tips Guides

Your big day is finally here-or at least, is on track. The day is selected, the seat was booked, were sent invitations and the caterer you choose. Now, it's time for the wedding of all-selecting the perfect gown!

Your bridal gown ... how long have you been dreaming of this day? When you would leave Monique Lhuillier or Vera Wang, doors of gowns to David, to look up a frothy confection fit for a Queen? This marriage was a long time coming, and you've been planning the outfit for as long as you can remember.

Some girls dream of their wedding day, but you're not the kind of girl. You've been waiting for this day forever; as a child, you've played dress wedding gown of your mother in your attic with friends and brothers alike. Did you try on dresses with high school and College acquaintances of soul mates, but there was never a moment like this-once where is to true. When will you be buying the dress where you can walk down the aisle. It is a big problem, that's for sure-but there are a lot of spectacular wedding dresses out there, guaranteed to help you look great for a day you will never forget.

If you're looking for an absolute show-stopper, look no further than the Vera Wang and organza gown with a flare skirt bias flange. Layer upon layer of Nice in organza adorns this amazing dress. This amazing dress is designed with hand-cut bias dress organza so that each has a unique organic look. The detail of flange, you won't find on any outfit, is dramatic and modern, while the architectural quality of the skirt is balanced by a beautifully draped strapless bodice and contoured. This dress features a cathedral-length modern train and is available in ivory or blush. For more traditional wedding, ivory is the way to go, but modern for the gal who isn't afraid to stand out, consider this dress in blush-a nice dress fit for a Queen.

If strapless isn't your style, a ball gown with a v neck draped skirt full consideration. For some women, V neck are simply more flattering styles and this dress is certainly a variety of figures some favors. A beautiful ball dress with a corsage of v neck and a skirt draped completely, this level of functionality dressed up layers of hand-cutting bias organza tulle flanges and swirls. It is suitable for a fairy tale Princess, thanks to a gently draped neckline and a bodice Princess-seam. Design a floral motif skirt stuck on hand means no two are alike, and this dress is a dress with horsehair belt, floral or Crystal. A train of the Cathedral-length ensures that you slide down the aisle as the magical being, you are.

If you're looking for something a bit more vintage inspiration, consider a lace strapless dress of tulle and thin. This stunning dress is a masterpiece of lace and tulle, two of the best materials for building of wedding dress. A frothy confection of white lace dress with this beaded and pleated tulle layers that combine to create a unique look. A thin silhouette flatters a variety of figures, while a chapel train ensures a sincere sense of romanticism. This dress looks as if it belongs on one of the world's most famous actresses, or better yet, a modern-day Princess. If you're looking for a real showstopper set you apart from the pack, this dress is this.

Do you dare to wear a dress that is totally over the top? You're going to love a ball gown with a draped asymmetrical bodice. A pack of strapless taffeta with a neckline collected and a fuller of tulle skirt suit ball, this dress looks like something straight out of a fairy tale of other times. Designed with over 100 yards of tulle, this is classic Vera Wang dress-a real stunner. Easily customized with accessories, ante and color options, we prefer this gown in its simplest form.

A train length Cathedral offers romance and style, while the skirt gives off a sense of royalty. If you are looking to float down the runway in a dress fit for a Princess, this is the dress for you. Is an updated version of Cinderella's fairy godmother dress up for her when she goes to the ball-a true vision. Heads turn when you enter the Church, and the dress is sure to be remembered for many years to come.

If you're looking for the kind of spectacular wedding dress that will help create a day you won't forget ever, considering the above options. Remember, the best accessory for a wedding dress is the smile of the bride!

Scott Payne is a freelance writer who writes about weddings and specific products like wedding dresses.

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The Eight Types of Women

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Let me give you an example. You meet a woman and you learn that she has had only three boyfriends in her life, enjoys dancing, skydiving and travelling. She has not had one night stands and engages in sexual intercourse only with her boyfriends. On the other hand, a woman who has a tremendous experience in dating, enjoys flings and one-night stands, and, frequents clubs and bars every week. She enjoys male attention and flirts around with almost everyone. Do you think you'd be successful using the same strategy to attract both women? The answer is clear: No.

Vin Di Carlo, a prominent figure in the seduction community, has spent extensive research figuring that out. He came to the conclusion that there are eight types of women. Each woman has specific traits and characteristics. Once you decode those traits and figure to which category she fits in, you can use custom strategies to attract and seduce her. To cut things short, below we highlight eight different types of women.

1. The Playette

This type of women is overly protective of herself. You will find the Playette almost everywhere as this type is the most common and most difficult to crack. She is more of an observer rather than engager and might come across as shy.

2. The Social Butterfly

This type is the most desirable. The Social Butterfly is pretty and energetic. She sweeps you off of your feet and then leaves you wanting more. She is like a butterfly hard to catch - unless you know what you are doing.

3. The Hopeful Romantic

The Hopeful Romantic is somewhat old-fashioned looking for a potential long-term lover.

4. The Cinderella

This type of women is exceptionally beautiful and dresses in a way that is sexy, revealing, but always classy and mature. She seeks to be as attractive as possible and is a head-turner capturing the attention of the males wherever she goes. The key irony is the fact that this type is often single. She is very passionate and doesn't mind sleeping with a man if she knows he is not going to run away.

5. The Private Dancer

This type of women has two sides: a mysterious-yet-innocent exterior and a passionate and sensitive interior. She is a giver making her man feel special. Yet she is scared of getting attached to a man once she opens up.

6. The Seductress

This type of women is confident, sexual, and independent. She has a strong frame and can be intimidating to weak and insecure men. She assesses men and once she spots weakness, she just moves over to another male.

7. The Connoisseur

This type of women is extremely picky, practical, and cautious when it comes to choosing males. She is also giver and for her sex is special, something she can't give to anyone. She is a devoted and caring woman when it comes to relationships. Once she sleeps with someone, she is likely to get attached.

8. The Modern Woman

This type of women is independent, ambitious, focused on her career, enjoys dating and men and not to serious about relationships. She is the type that is comfortable with casual fun. She is rational, sexual, and common. She might end up in your friends with benefit zone.

Vin Di Carlo calls his system the Pandora's Box and provides techniques and strategies for you on how to figure out the woman's type. Then he provides accurate description on each of the type and finally he reveals detailed strategies on how to converse, touch and bed every type.

If you want to have constant success in dating women, you must have the Pandora's Box on your shelf. This product will literally help you increase your understanding of women, your approach strategies, and your success rate.

Juan "The Anonymous Seducer" Marco

Juan Marco is the Owner of the International Seduction Store International Seduction Store will provide you with all the skill-set necessary for you to build your seduction arsenal from clothes, shoes, perfumes, seduction props, videos, seduction movies, seduction e-books, dating tips, seduction seminars, etc. Rather than consuming your valuable time on the search engines out there, the website provides you with an easy way to shop what you need.
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Go on a date to a Theme Park

Posted byRelationships Tips Guides

Trying to figure out where to go on a date with that someone special can be a daunting prospect, especially if it's early on in the relationship. You could play it safe and go for the clichéd drink at a bar or a trip to the cinema, but let's face it, they are not very memorable. These types of venues also force people out of their comfort zone making them feeling more like interviews than dates. There may be another option though, depending on how fun loving your potential date is.

Theme parks and attractions are often overlooked as a place to take someone on a date. Groups of friends are more likely to frequent theme parks than couples, but that doesn't mean that couples don't go and after all you may have found a niche.

Alright, so I will back track a little, theme parks are probably not the best place to go on a first date as you probably want to get to know each other first. Find out if they are adventurous and outgoing. You don't want to turn up to a park and find out they don't like rollercoasters. However, after those first few initial get-togethers, a theme park will seem like a fresh new place to go and beats the monotonous repetition of going to bars or restaurants.

Going to a theme park like Alton Towers, Drayton Manor or Thorpe Park will feel like a unique experience that you have shared together, essentially bringing you closer. You will have stories to tell about which rollercoasters you went on, how funny the on-ride photos were and how you really began to know each other a little better. After all, there is nothing more awkward than silence during a date, but going to a theme park will ensure that you always have something to talk about, like what the last scariest ride you went on or which other parks you have visited.

So which park should you go to? Well, once you have figured out what kind of person your date is, you should know that they like going to theme parks. By the third or fourth date, it should be obvious that they are interested in you, so this is the opportunity to make something serious out of it. Don't go to a park which is more than an hour's ride away. You don't want the focal point of the day to be about how you spent ages in the car. Go somewhere local, perhaps just a few junctions down the motorway for example;

Alton Towers - Just off junction 15 on the M6, a great place to go if you live near Stoke-on-Trent, Nottingham or North of Birmingham.

Thorpe Park - Near to where the M3 and M25 intersect, this theme park is ideal for people living in the London and Guildford area.

Drayton Manor - South of Tamworth and a quick ride up the M42, people living in the West Midlands and Staffordshire couldn't go far wrong with visiting this attraction.

Chessington World of Adventure - Just south of London and near Sutton, take a trip around the M25 for this theme park.

Check out other parks near you and good luck on your date! - AttractionTix is the leading supplier of attraction, experience and theme park tickets exclusively for UK customers including Disneyland tickets, Drayton Manor tickets and Alton Towers tickets amongst other attractions, tours and trips

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Find friends online ( a,

Posted byRelationships Tips Guides

One day I was just sitting idle and thought to have a chat. I was thinking to find friends online ( ??????????????? ) . I was not aware how to start the chat. I normally talk less with the strangers. I thought that I would get someone online and ransacked dating websites. I wanted to chat with Thai girls only as I am a Thai boy. I came across an interesting site of Thai girls and thought to have a good chat with them. As knowing someone is my hobby. I like to talk with each and every woman in the world. My status was online and someone buzzed me. I answered about my age sex and location and asked the same of others. One attractive Thai girl was online. It was nice to have find chat ( ??????????? ) friends online. Internet has made the life easiest. There are so many friends who are not in touch but I can talk with them anytime.

So coming to the story again, when so many were buzzing me around, I got a catching message for someone. Are you looking for a simple and sober partner? I was attracted towards the words, as they were written in blue color which is my favorite. I answered yes. Then we started chat friends online and she was chatting in a childish manner and was writing half sentences as I had to complete them my self. Thai girl I met was very much attractive. Now we are friends. Even after 2 years we are committed to each other:

To keep your relationship young and fresh young, you need to follow few steps. Like you have to show love and care towards your partner each and every time. Its not that when you are together you need not show any affection. You have to tell it again and again that you love your beloved or the partner. When we talk about life partner then it means that you have to share each and every thing but revealing every secret to your partner about your ex- partner etc. can be problematic here you have to understand that you can reveal your secrets if you trust on your partner completely. While doing chat online also before telling about your background you need to be very careful
So friends, I suggest you find friends online ( ??????????????? ) but be cautious.Looking for find friends and chat online visit find friends online ( ??????????????? ) or find chat ( ??????????? )

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Draw your online image (a,?a,?a,>a, a,?a,z ) through these great sites

Posted byRelationships Tips Guides

The Internet has come to mean a lot of things to a lot of people. For its users, it represents a vast knowledge base with information at the fingertips. The world has become smaller as we are offered a glimpse into the lives of people from all walks of life. Finding pen pals has become so easy that you don't have to register yourself with some agency and wait endlessly before they pick one for you. Now, you can browse websites hosting people looking for friends and romantic relationships and also want to get married ( ??????? ) with online dating friends .
For those wanting to find friends online,and get married ( ??????? ), there are so many sites to choose from. On friend finder, you can find people looking to chat, find love and friends. It has the advantage of also hosting blogs of members so you can get to know them better. A unique idea has been incorporated into the site, in that there is a magazine where you can post your articles and respond to those by others. Find friends has a list of clubs based on members' hobbies and interests which you can join to find someone compatible. Cupid is based more on finding relationships for singles. You can choose how much information you want to reveal about yourself to people who meet your specifications. Newfriends4u has been helping people find friends, dates and love since 2001. You can chat in a 3D environment too, lending a realistic feel to the experience. Ghostly not only allows to find friends but also has a free SMS facility.
Being able to chat with friends online is one of the benefits of the Internet. Not only does it draw you image ( ?????? ) to closer, it also gives you an opportunity to widen your friend circle. Social networking sites are another way of meeting and interacting with people. Their gaming facilities mean that you can send and receive friend requests from those living in far-off lands. Security levels for these sites can be high and you can tweak them according to your preference. experience dating on a whole new level, where only your imagination are there to draw image online.
There are many ways to find friends online. And though it doesn't take the place of real-life meetings, it does give you a chance to open yourself and come out of your shell.

Online dating on a whole new level to get friendship,get married ( ??????? ), where only your imagination are there to draw your image ( ?????? ) online.

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5 Tips For Displaying Your Wedding Photographs

Posted byRelationships Tips Guides

The wedding's over, you have a bunch of wonderful memories and a folder of gorgeous prints from your wedding photographers. You don't want those prints to languish in a box unseen, so straight after your honeymoon is the time to think about how to display your wedding photos. Seize the moment while the day is still fresh in your memory (not that it will ever fade, of course!). You probably want something more than just the traditional 8x10 print in a silver frame, so lets look at a few more options, both traditional and modern.

1. Create a wedding photo wall display
Pick out a selection of your favourite pics and have them all framed in a striking but simple style to match your decor. The frames can all be different sizes, as long as the colour and style ties them in together. Mix your formal couple portrait with some fun, candid shots of guests and perhaps the odd detail shot. Hang all the framed pictures on your display wall about 2 inches apart with the central photo at eye level. You can even frame up mementos of the day in a box frame, creating a still life with things like your invitation, ribbon and elements from the wedding decor and include that frame in the overall display.

2. Have a large canvas print made
If you've got one stunning photo that sums up the ambience and feel of your wedding and you have plenty of space in your home, how about getting a large canvas print made. These work particularly well when they are full length shots set in a beautiful landscape, or really striking artistic portraits, so talk about this possibility with your wedding photographer beforehand, so that he or she can create a portrait with exactly the right feel for what you have in mind.

3. A digital photo frame
If you don't have a lot of wall space, but want to keep your best wedding photos on display, a digital photo frame allows you to have a never-ending slide-show of your favourite pics. Again talk to your wedding photographer about this option, so that they can provide you with the photos in the right format.

4. Have a photo book printed
You may already have ordered a wedding photo book from your photographer, in which case it is probably already on its way to you. If not you can always produce one now. Photo books are a great way of combining the professional photos provided by your photographer with the best of the happy snaps taken by your friends and family. You can spend many a happy hour looking through all the pics and laying them out, or else get a professional to create the book for you. Whichever you do it is a great thing to have on your coffee table for friends to look through after the wedding.

5. A traditional photo album
There is still a place for the traditional wedding photo album, where the best prints are carefully preserved between acid-free tissue paper interleaves. Or if you want a more modern twist you can scrapbook your wedding photos into a beautiful book that combines journal with album, so that you can also include other mementoes of the wedding, such as pressed flower petals from the bouquet, ribbon, invitation or wedding programme, handwritten well-wishing notes from friends and so on.

Wedding Photography Live showcases wedding photographers in Cape Town with a modern style inspired by fashion and photojournalism experience. View Cape Town wedding photographers portfolio and make sure of stunning wedding photos to last you a lifetime.

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Cheap Wedding Veils Made to Look Expensive

Posted byRelationships Tips Guides

Weddings become very expensive in a matter of minutes so what I thought I would do is share with you how to make cheap wedding veils look expensive. In my quest for an ivory wedding veil, I was amazed when I started shopping as to how expensive this one item can cost and thus was determined not to go overboard yet still make sure the veil was elegant and beautiful.

When I started looking for an ivory wedding veil, I was determined to match the picture I found in a magazine of my wedding dress, and I wanted to make sure that it t didn't take away from the majestic long mermaid dress I was going to wear. However, when I started to shop I nearly dropped! The wedding dress shops wanted $175 to $250 for a plain simple veil plus it would take six to eight weeks to get the veil. Where were the cheap wedding veils I asked?!

So, like everything else these days, I went to the internet and typed in cheap wedding veils and found quite a few stores listed in downtown Los Angeles. They were all located within the same square block making it easy to park and start hunting. It didn't take long to find my ivory wedding veil. I found it at at store located on East 9th street, downtown L.A. They had a large selection, were very friendly and helpful and best of all took credit cards!

I found the exact tulle veil I wanted and then took it to the seamstress that was shortening my dress. Since she was cutting off the bottom, I asked her to take off some of the lace appliques that were stitched onto that part of my dress and sew them onto the veil. What started out as a $15 ivory wedding veil (plus $25 for the seamstress) turned into an expensive looking wedding headpiece that comparatively could have cost hundreds of dollars!

Other helpful hints to make cheap wedding veils look expensive is again to start off with a plain tulle or lace veil and add crystals to the veil. Or you can find a decorative hair piece and add some lace or tulle to that as well. My mother actually had a white flower hair comb and all she did was add an extra couple of white silk flowers to it as well as a few crystals and it turned out beautifully. Better yet, I still wear it to this day!

Finally, looking for a real bargain? Ask around to borrow your veil. That is how my quest for my veil started. Until next time, remember the Budget Bash mantra: make it simple, stylish, fun and economical to all!

Andrea Wyn is owner of A Wynning Event, a Los Angeles wedding and special event management company. She is a marketing & special event planner with over 15 years of experience and for the past ten years, she has been the event planner for the Screen Actors Guild Awards(R). She has taken her knowledge and special event experience and written an easy-to-read book called Budget Bash where you can find more ideas and helpful tips on event planning including menus, decor, budgets, timelines, florals and more.

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How to Choose the Best Maternity Wedding Dress

Posted byRelationships Tips Guides

Good things happen one after another. You are becoming a bride and you are expecting a baby as well. How wonderful! The two happiest and most important things of womanhood take place at the same time! In modern days, having a baby before marriage is acceptable. There's no shame or embarrassment at all; just enjoy the happiness and prepare for your big day! For traditional brides, choosing the best wedding dresses is a tough task; while it seems tougher for a pregnant bride.

Actually selecting a dream maternity wedding dress is not as difficult as you think because there're a plenty of collections for you to choose. Even some top wedding dress designers focus on maternity bridal gowns due to growing demands from increasing pregnant brides. Browse through bridal shops, department stores, designer boutiques and online sites, you're sure to find your very wedding dress. Or you can decide on a specific pattern and ask expert seamstresses to tailor your favorite dress.

Keep in mind that you should consider how far along you will be in the pregnancy on your wedding day. Your tummy keeps growing and your dress must be able to flatter it. Start shopping early; yet make the purchase near the nuptial day. Or you can arrange the last fitting close to the date. Remember that when measuring for your wedding dress up front, you should leave more space for your growing baby.

The point you care most is properly the dress style. You're worried that you can't choose whatever silhouette you like. Well, never mind. Just think of Marley Shelton and Natalie Portman with their lovely baby bellies on the red carpet. You can still show off your unique beauty, together with the great motherly radiance.

If you want to draw attention away from your bulging tummy, go for a looser, more flowing wedding gown with embellishment and details at the bodice. Empire waist bridal gowns are believed to be the best choice for pregnant brides as these dresses flow away right below the bustline and leave enough room for your tummy. A pretty soft sash or a line of tiny rosette along the bustline also adds a cute touch. Simple sleeveless and strapless empire waist dress is not advisable as your full breasts and belly will stand out naturally. Straps, halter, one-shoulder or V-shape will make a better balanced look.

If you're proud of your expectant baby and eager to flaunt to others, fitting dresses like the sheath is a good option. It will show your curves and help you to brag that you're the happiest bride and mother to be all over the world. Just make sure it is of the right size and doesn't make you uncomfortable.

Imagine what a moving scene it will be! You, a beautifully dressed up bride, your honey husband and your unborn baby are all together at the wedding ceremony witnessing the holy moment...

Find your dream maternity wedding dresses today at DressesShop.
Ivy Monn, from, offers useful information and advice about wedding dresses and wedding related fashion. We carry a gorgeous array of custom-made dresses and in stock dresses for any occasion at affordable prices with uncompromising quality and service. Visit today and find your loved dresses on discount.

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Simple Tips for Making Great Best Man Speeches

Posted byRelationships Tips Guides

The best man speech together with the best man toast is a very important part of the wedding ceremony. If you have been asked to be the best man in an upcoming wedding this article will give you some practical advice on how to make the best man speech a memorable one.

The best man is supposed to toast the newlyweds by expressing his thoughts on the couple, their wedding as well as sharing a few anecdotes about groom in particular by making a unique speech, commonly known as the best man speech. You want to make such a speech personal and from the heart. Don't be the guy who copies a best man speech online word for word. That is so lame. Since each person is different, your style of speech will also be different. The first step in making a unique best man speech is to make it personal and sincere. You should include memorable stories or events that you have shared with the groom in the past. You can make it funny or serious or preferably both. Make the speech your own and in your own style. Take time to research the best man wedding speeches available online and use examples to help get you started.

The next step in making a memorable speech is to make it appropriate for all ages. Remember both the bride's and the groom's family will be all ears. There will probably be children present so this is not the time to be x-rated. It's not the time to recall embarrassing events that should not be shared with the wedding crowd. Save those stories for the bachelor party. Be cautious and make sure the bride and groom shine on their special day. They will remember your speech forever, so make it a good one.

Another key to making great best man speeches is to make them inspiring. You can find great quotes or inspiring stories to make your speech unique. You can include fun memories of how the bride and groom met and how they fell in love along the way.

The best man speech will take time to prepare, so for all of you procrastinators out there, get started now. Grab a sheet of paper and a pen and start brainstorming for your big debut. It's best to start off by writing a simple introduction. After the introduction you can move on to a funny moment with the groom or an experience you've shared together. Be sure to give the bride plenty of compliments and end it with a toast to the happy couple wishing them the most amazing life together!

As the best man, you have a great responsibility to make the bride and groom proud! Practice your speech in the mirror and prepare yourself. You can do it! Make them proud.

If you enjoyed reading this article on best man speeches and believe that it is going to you, then most likely you would also prefer to read more such articles and posts on best man toasts and speeches available on the author's site at

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The Grooms Father Speeches

Posted byRelationships Tips Guides

One of the hardest parts of writing any speech is getting started, I am sure you may have some ideas but it's always hard when it comes to putting pen to paper. So if you are struggling with this common problem then I would suggest you write down all your ideas and then try to put them together. Remember you do not have to start with the start of the speech. You can start with the end if it is easier for you.

The beginning of the grooms father speech needs to do two things, which include getting everyone's attention and explaining your relation to the groom. I know this sounds crazy since everyone at your son's wedding should know who you are but you will find more often than not that members of the bride's family may still not know you. And you really need to make sure that everyone knows who you are for your speech to make any sense to them.

So a great way to get everyone's attention is to start your speech with a well know quote from someone famous. You can also start with a snappy joke, this will get the audience engaged in your speech and focused on you. From here go on to explain that you are the father of the groom and thank everyone for coming and making it a great day.

Once you get the start out the way you really have some room to play. Providing you get in all the things you want to say it does not matter when they come. So I am going to give you a few suggestions on what needs to be said and then I will tell you how to finish your grooms father speech. I highly suggest you finish you speech with the things that I mention. But here are some things can you say in the meantime.

When you start you say or who you are and welcome everyone, now you need to share some stories with the audience about your relationship with your son. These can be funny stories or meaningful stories. It's up to you. I would say aim for at least one funny experience that you have shared with your son. This will keep everyone's attention on you. One note to add to this is to choose your stories and experiences wisely since the aim here is not to embarrass your son in front of his guests. I know it's tempting but I do not think he will be impressed with you.

Another must have is a few nice comments about the bride and her family. Explain how happy she has made your son and how she has made him a better man. Welcome her family to yours and thank them for blessings allowing her to wed your son. You will also need to pass on some advice to your son. It can be marriage advice if you are OK with giving that advice or it can be life advice which ever suits you better.

Now you want to end your speech with your blessing to the marriage and thank everyone for coming and making the wedding a cracking day to remember. Wish them luck and really give let your son and everyone know they have your support. I hope this helps you with your grooms father speech.

For more tips and resources please visit Father Of The Groom Speeches

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Wedding Shoes Your Guests Will Never Forget

Posted byRelationships Tips Guides

We've heard it before - people saying "I have 5 weddings in the next 6 months!" They are more annoyed than excited for each of the couples entering a new and happy stage in their life. Wedding after wedding, they all start looking the same.

If you are a bride and want to stand out, why not do it with your shoes? They are under your dress but it doesn't mean they don't get noticed. As soon as the formal ceremony is over, your dancing feet will pop out from under that mountain of satin or tulle and the guests are surely to take notice. Make a memorable moment out of it with these simple ideas for shoes:

*Wear a bright color - when I say bright, I mean BRIGHT! Think HOT, HOT, HOT. A neon color if possible! The contrast against the white dress is intense and surely to catch anyone's attention. The latest trend is the wear a hot pink shoe. Think about it, it's girly so you feel great in them, and you don't have to throw them in the pile a long with your other bridesmaids shoes that you will never wear. Next summer, throw it on with a black dress to a party or club. At the very least it will make for a great conversation starter with whomever you are hanging out that night.

*Wear Blue - the only reason for this is to double as your wedding shoe and your "something blue". And this is surely to fit into your regular wardrobe for repeat usage.

*Wear Metallic - nothing is easier to find than a gold or silver shinny shoe. It's been the "it" thing for quite a while. They are also the sexiest of these options and dare I say they probably go with every single dress in your wardrobe

*Wear Sneakers - For those brides that prefer comfort over style, wear a sneaker. But it doesn't mean you have to give up your style. No, you do not have to wear the Nike sneakers you wear to work everyday. There are cute sneakers out there with embellishments like rhinestones that dress them up. All it requires is a simple online search for "rhinestone sneakers". And because they are probably not marketed as wedding shoes, you can find them cheaper. Or better yet buy a plain white set and jazz them up yourself.

*Wear Cowboy Boots - There's a no-brainer for the cowgirl at heart - wear your favorite cowboy boots. Not only will you save money but you've already broken them in so they won't hurt your feet. And best of all, they are probably the best bet for dancing the night away.

So if you want to add a little jolt to the dance party, wear anything but white shoes. And it doesn't stop here. Use this idea in other aspects of your wedding. Instead of a white formal handbag, use your favorite bright colored travel bag like I did. It was certainly more helpful because I could stuff anything in it, including the critical bridal emergency sewing kit. Happy Wedding!

Arianny L. Rodriguez is the author and is devoted to helping brides find the perfect wedding shoes for their perfect dress. For easy to find white, ivory and silver wedding shoes, visit You can also find elegant evening shoes, prom shoes and matching handbags. While you are there be sure to become a fan of her Facebook page for more fun wedding ideas.

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World's Best Luxury Honeymoon Destinations

Posted byRelationships Tips Guides

You can go on a honeymoon, or you can go on a luxury honeymoon. You know, the ultimate romantic holiday where everything must be perfect and no expense is too great for you and your new spouse. There are a large variety of 5-star resorts all over the world but just a select few are considered the best luxury honeymoon destinations.

At the top of the list is Wadigi Private Island in Fiji. This five star all inclusive resort is just what the name suggests; your own private island. With three suites perched on a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean this resort has a maximum capacity of six people, if you bring them with you. Otherwise you will find yourself in total privacy, free to walk the gorgeous beaches alone, just you and your spouse.

Wadigi also provides two personal chefs, a butler, maid, and your own boat captain for the entirety of your stay. And in addition to being waited on hand and foot you also have access to multitude of beach and water toys including kayaks, windsurfers, snorkeling equipment, wakeboards, waterskiing, and fishing. As it says on their website "Why book a hotel when you can book your own private island?"

Next on our list is another private island resort, known as Peter Island Resort & Spa in the British Virgin Islands. Only accessible via helicopter or boat this unique private island boasts only 52 rooms for a truly private honeymoon experience. The staff, which outnumbers the guests, is there to serve your every whim. For a more romantic experience consider booking one of the four beautiful villas.

Peter Island also offers gourmet meals prepared by European chefs served in open air restaurants and a complete wine room. There are also 5 private beaches with all the normal beach activities, snorkeling, sailboats, windsurfers, and sea kayaks. After a day relaxing and playing along the beaches a 10,000 square foot spa awaits to cater to your every need.

Third on the list is the Greek Island of Crete with its luxury hotels, villas, private pools, lush gardens and amazing Greek food make this idyllic island one of the worlds top luxury honeymoon destinations. You will find a little bit of everything here, including mountains, small villages, and resorts sitting astride some of the worlds most beautiful beaches. There are five luxury resort hotels that you should consider if you plan on visiting Crete. These are the Elounda Mare Hotel, Elounda; the Istron Bay Hotel, Istro; Palazzo Rimondi, Rethymo; and in Chania the Casa Delfino and the Casa Leone.

Our final choice takes us back to Fiji and the Navatu Stars Resort on the Yasawa Islands. It is an adult's only resort with a luxurious boutique feel consisting of nine bungalows or bures and room for only twenty guests. What is more romantic then being on an exotic and secluded island with a staff that excels at giving each guest the kind of personalized service they are expecting on their honeymoon. The bures are spaced along the beach, giving each couple their own private retreat with king sized beds and island décor.

None of these choices is cheap, but when you are giving thought to the worlds best luxury honeymoon destinations then price is probably not an issue. So pack your bags, get your passports ready and prepare to take a honeymoon you and yours will never forget.

Honeymoon Destinations is here to help make your honeymoon a lasting romantic rendezvous you and yours will remember for a lifetime. To enter Honeymoon Destinations please click here.

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The Best 20 Bible Verses About Love

Posted byRelationships Tips Guides

As a human, we are guaranteed to do ONE thing during our lives no matter what: we will love. Love is a timeless emotion that can be exciting, deep, passionate and even unwaveringly loyal. But there are also bad things about love: it can cause wars, pain, suffering turmoil.

That's why, as Christians, we should learn about God's eternal Love. If we do, then we can do our best to TRULY love people during our lives. Our love can be selfless, instead of selfish. The best place to learn about God's Love for us is the Bible.

In the Bible, we see that God loved us so much that He gave up his only Son for our sins and us. If it weren't for this eternal, unconditional act of love, we wouldn't be saved. Praise God and read the Bible verses below to get a better, more fuller understanding of love!

# 20 - Psalms 42:11

Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.

The most important message contained in this verse is this: we should not be in despair. Psalms 42:11 tells us that we have no reason to be in despair or cast down. We, people who love and worship God, are saved. We praise Him because He loves us and he gave up His only Son for us. We should rejoice in His love!

Therefore there is no reason for us to be sad! Any time you experience sadness or depression in your life, all you need to do is remind of yourself of God's undying love for you.

# 19 - Proverbs 5:19

Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love.

When reading this verse in Proverbs, you must take a step back to truly understand the big picture. It teaches us about being satisfied with our chosen partner in life. We should be satisfied with by the love of this person, as an infant is kept satisfied by its mother's milk. If the wife loves the husband and the husband the wife, then it is a recipe for happiness.

So remember, when you choose your partner, you should be satisfied both mentally and physically. This should be a person that you respect loves you back. If it is, then you will always be happy in his or her love.

# 18 - Proverbs 10:12

Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins.

Sin, strife and negativity are borne out of hatred - this is always the case! But, as this verse in Proverbs tell us, LOVE "covers" of these sins. Love, goodness and happiness will always conquer hatred, evil and sin. That is why every one of us should fill our lives with as much goodness as we can.

Love will heal us, so we should look to God's love whenever we are in need of healing, support and guidance.

# 17 - Proverbs 13:24

He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.

If you love your children, you should always endeavor to teach them, even if this means punishing them from time to time. You would be doing them a disservice if you "spared the rod" and didn't punish them when they did wrong. If you love your family - teach them what is right and good in whatever way you can.

As a parent, it can be hard to scold a child that you love so very much (more than yourself, even). But you must be strong! Teach the child what is good and what is bad - even if sometimes that requires chastisement. They will be better for it.

# 16 - Proverbs 17:17

A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

This verse from Proverbs is a little confusing - both a friend and a brother should know love. However, it is a friend's nature to show love at all times. A brother's love is different from a friend's, however. Even though he should love at all times, he should always strive to fight for and protect his brother, even though he may face adversity while doing so.

Therefore, a brother's love is MORE powerful... even though he might have to endure strife and hardships to protect his kin.

# 15 - Song of Solomon 1:2

Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy love is better than wine.

The Song of Solomon is full of colorful, passionate language about love.This verse is a simple celebration of love at its most basic expression - the kiss! The kiss can unite lovers, families and friends. It is universally understood as an expression of love. Love between two people can be more exquisite and enjoyable than all other earthly pleasures!

# 14 - Song of Solomon 4:10

How fair is thy love, my sister, my spouse! how much better is thy love than wine! and the smell of thine ointments than all spices!

This is yet another verse in the Book of Solomon that celebrates the simple beauty and joy of love. Although there are many different kinds of love, they all share a similar core that brings us joy. How lucky are those who are able to love God, family and friends!

Love is compared to many pleasing things throughout history: a wine, a flower, a sound or a smell. And even though we can get wrapped up in the poetry of love, we must never forget what a serious, passionate emotion it can be.

# 13 - Song of Solomon 8:6

Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.

All of us should be able to wear the love we have in our hearts like badges of honor on our sleeves. Love can be passionate - so passionate that it feels it will outlast even death itself! And although love can inspire jealousy that feels as cruel as torture, it is always worth the risk!

You should be proud of the unconditional love you have for people. It is an amazing thing to have. Every time we love someone we are honoring God's love for us. Be proud!

# 12 - 1 Corinthians 13:4

Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,

This verse in Corinthians reminds us that by giving to others we can express our love. Charity, a common expression of love, represents some of the most important things about the thing called love. It is kind, long, it does not envy and it is not concerned with itself. It is completely selfless - a perfect expression of God's undying love for us.

We should be reminded here that love should be selfless. If we love someone, we should not care to receive anything in return, even if that is something we desperately want.

# 11 - 1 Corinthians 13:13

And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.

This verse in Corinthians reminds us of what we should hold dear in our lives: faith, hope and charity. However, it emphasizes that charity should be the most important. Charity helps others and it is a completely selfless expression of true love. It is the best way to spread the love of God to the people of the world!

Just think of what the world would be like if more people were charitable! It would be a kind, loving place and no one would have to fear. And although there are many very giving people in the world, not all of us are all of the time. We should work more often to be this way!

# 10 - Colossians 3:14

And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness.

This verse in Colossians that teaches us again about the importance of charity - it is the selfless expression of love that we should show the world as faithful Christians. Through charity, we can improve the lives of others without asking for anything in return!

Sometimes it is hard to put this into practice. If we are charitable, then we are not receiving anything in return. We must think about what God and Jesus would do during our days. Would They worry about receiving? Or would They give? Just like Jesus gave up His life for our sins?

# 9 - 1 Peter 4:8

And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.

This verse in Peter means that if we are repentant, loving Christians... we should try to show love to others. By being charitable, we can show others and God that our love is pure and meaningful. Do your best to make the world a better place when you repent for your sins.

It might not always be easy, but it is best for your life and the lives of others if you are charitable and repentant. Volunteer, be selfless and always put others' needs before your own.

# 8 - 1 John 3:16

Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.

This verse is telling us that we should use God's ultimate example of unconditional love - Him giving up his only Son for our sins - as guidance in our own lives. If God was able to give up His Son for us, we should be able to provide for our brothers and sisters in a similar way.

Every day of your life doesn't have to be full of extravagant, love-filled gestures, but we should always remember that the least we can do is to treat people with kindness. If God's Son gave up His life for us, we can act least be nice to our fellow man.

# 7 - 1 John 4:9

In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.

Once again, this verse from the Book of John instructs us how to treat the other people in our lives. If we can attempt to love others even a fraction of the way God loves us, we could make their lives and ours better.

That is why keeping God at the center of our lives can improve so much! Our lives can take on a whole new meaning if we try to love our brothers and act like true Christians. We should be filled with love - not hate!

# 6 - 1 John 4:18

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

Whenever we are truly, deeply in love with someone we shouldn't feel fear. There is no fear in love - only passion, understanding, and kindness. Fear results in torment, misunderstandings and heartbreak. When we love God and others, we should be faithful in that love.

If we are in love with someone, the worst thing we can do is FEAR. We must let ourselves be consumed by the love. Some people fear change or commitment, but we shouldn't. Love is a pure, amazing thing. Humans are imperfect and things can happen, but the act of love will always be the same.

# 5 - 1 John 4:8

He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

This is an extremely important verse in the Book of John. This verse tells us that God IS love. If God is love, and we desire getting closer to God, we should learn to love more deeply and more fully than ever before.

This might be the most straightforward Biblical advice on love in existence. If God is love, then love is good (like God). It is also pure and holy. This is why when we feel love, we need to remember it is sacred. It should be treated with respect - and so should our fellow man.

# 4 - Song of Solomon 8:7

Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned.

This verse in the Song of Solomon so eloquently defines love - it cannot be drowned and it should be one of the most important things in our lives. Take this to heart when you think about your love for God. This love (and God) should be at the center of your life.

If it is, then you can be strong during times of strife. You can survive against the raging waters and not drown.

# 3 - John 15:13

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

If any of us were to lay down our life for our loved ones, we would be emulating the greatest act of love of all: Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. If we could put our loved ones first in our life, we could get that much closer to God.

This is never easy to do, but we should always strive to do it. Just think of how a mother would feel about her children: she has an undying, unconditional love for them. If we could express a fraction of that love to more people, we could improve so many lives - even souls.

# 2 - Song of Solomon 2:16

My beloved is mine, and I am his: he feedeth among the lilies.

This simple verse in the Song of Solomon summarizes love famously - if you love someone and they love you, you will be in a world so wonderful, as if sweet smelling lilies surrounded you. Now, the real world isn't fantasy, but true love is real. And when you love, your world can be so much better.

Each one of us has a different mental of image of what love it like - you might think of sweets, flowers, perfumes, silks or passion. But love is a universal language. No matter what it means to each of us, we all feel the same love!

# 1 - Ephesians 5:25

Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

This final verse about love from the book of Ephesians is one of the best verses to read when you're curious about the love in any relationship that you are currently in. It applies to every single one of us and we should take it to heart. Husbands should love their wives and wives should love their husbands - it is simple as that. Relationships can be complicated, but if we can keep unconditional love at the center of our hearts we can make our lives, and the lives of others, so much better.

So learn to love God more deeply and more truly if you want to become closer to Him - if you need help understanding, please read more on GodVine's online Bible!

Read and search the entire Bible online, including King James, American Standard, Basic English and other translations.

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8 Don'ts on Winning People's Heart in Conversations

Posted byRelationships Tips Guides

When meeting a new person, you are most likely going to engage in a conversation to know him or her better. It is not at all easy to become an exciting conversation partner. On the other hand, you can become one if you know the tricks.

1. Don't be artificial
Showing affectation with polished, pretentious words just to make a good first impression on your new acquaintance will not do. You will be judged as artificial. It is better to use everyday words but in an acceptable manner. Speaking with your natural tone and gesture will make the person you are talking to feel comfortable.

2. Don't talk about details
Instead of speaking or asking about detailed things or information to your conversation partner, you should talk about more general topics. You won't feel comfortable if you are cornered to answer personal question to a new person and vice versa.

3. Don't use logical speech all the time
Speaking about logic might make you look smart, but it also tends to be boring. People prefer listening to prejudice, opinion, and beliefs when engaging in a casual conversation.

4. Don't butt in
Nobody likes to be interrupted. Wait until your conversation partner finishes his or her line before you speak your mind. This will show that you really respect the person you are talking to which can lead to a better relationship.

5. Don't dominate the conversation
Ask about your partner's interest so you can discuss the topic mutually. A two-way conversation is much better than a monologue. Domination is as bad as interruption, hence you should listen as much as you speak.

6. Don't offend
Offending can be done in many ways, and it can be reflected in our speech. To avoid offending people you barely know, stick to the rule of talking only general topics. Avoid talking about religion, ethnicity, or anything that might trigger a clash.

7. Don't be cocky
Boldness and overconfidence won't interest your conversation partner. Instead, show some qualities such as helpfulness, candor, friendliness, and sincerity. You should also show a great deal of interest in the person you are talking to as well as the subject you are talking about.

8. Don't talk to one person only when you are in group
Don't pay attention to only one particular person of the group. Share equal interest to all the group members so that they don't feel any awkwardness. Choose only topics that can be covered by all the members of the group.

A relationship between two people cannot be taken for granted. It requires a lot of effort to make it work. To find out how the magic of making up can improve your love life, visit our website.

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How To Deal With A Sex Addict Husband

Posted byRelationships Tips Guides

If you find yourself in a situation where your husband is addicted to sex, you may not know where to turn. Many women find out by accident that their partner has been secretly watching porn on TV, looking at it on the Internet or stashing magazines on the side. It can be a sudden blow to learn that your husband has had hidden or even devious fantasies that you never knew existed. It can be even worse to learn that he is a serial cheater.

How do you deal with a sex-addicted husband? Luckily, there is a way for partners to get past the addiction and lead a healthy normal existence as a married couple. It is possible to get a grasp on these behavior problems and rebuild trust between the two of you again.

Set your boundaries

It is always the best thing to find out about the sex addiction as soon as possible so that you can know what you're dealing with. Once you are armed with more knowledge you'll be able to deal with the situation head on and work towards protecting yourself as well.

Anyone that is addicted to sex has it at the top of his list of priorities. Sex will be more important than his marriage, himself and his friendships with others. It is almost like being addicted to a drug and needing a regular fix just to get through the day.

You have to protect yourself by setting up your own set of boundaries. In order to defend his devious lifestyle your husband may ask you to join in and be part of his dangerous lifestyle. He may ask you to join a swinger's club or do something similar. This is where you have to step up and let him know your limits.

Under no circumstances should you ever allow this addiction to sex dictate your decisions in the marriage. You will lose everything you value including your own sense of self-worth and integrity.

Don't fall for the excuses

Once you have discovered that your husband has a problem with sex you can expect to hear all kinds of excuses. The most common one will be that all other men watch porn and it is healthy to do so. Do not fall for this line at all since it is only a justification for his behavior.

It is time for the honesty to be laid out on the table on both ends. You cannot really expect your husband to totally come clean unless you do so yourself. Let your husband know about anything you have done that is dishonest or you have hidden from him, even if you know it will affect your marriage. This is the only way to build his trust enough to let you know what he has done as well.

No more lies

Once the truth has been revealed by both of you, you will have to implement a policy of transparency. There can be no more white lies and no hidden actions. Everything needs to be clarified and accounted for. This is the only way to start building a new relationship that is grounded by trust and pure honesty.

When you look at this sex problem as an addiction and compare it to a drug addiction, you'll have a better idea of what you are dealing with. It will take some time and effort to work things through, but it can be done. Try spending more time with him doing things that he enjoys to help get his mind off sex and make sure that an honesty policy has been set up that must be strictly adhered to.

Ruth Baker writes articles about post-affair marriage health. Her website is

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The Green Wedding Gift Guide

Posted byRelationships Tips Guides

Something old, something new, something borrowed, This wedding season, why not appeal to the modern bride and groom's eco-friendly sensibilities and give green? There are many ways to put an earth-friendly twist on traditional wedding gifts. Having a sense of a couple's tastes and interests, as well as knowing what they already own and have registered for, will help you narrow down your search for a special gift. If the guiding principle for wedding gift etiquette is all about thoughtfulness, your green wedding gift will stand out from the rest as being carefully selected and tailored to the happy couple's sustainable lifestyle. Follow this green wedding gift guide to find some eco chic wedding gift ideas that are suited to your couple.

The Traditional Couple
So your couple still likes the traditional wares, but would appreciate them with a greener twist. Organic and fair trade-certified cotton, bamboo, cork, acacia wood, and recycled glass are all sustainable materials that can be found in traditional wedding gifts. Organic cotton or bamboo bed and bath linens, or matching bathrobes make a luxurious wedding gift. To add a touch of elegance to these otherwise plain fabrics, consider having them monogrammed with the couple's initials. Cork, bamboo or acacia bowls, platters and serving spoons are a beautiful alternative to hardwood ones, and recycled glass vases are unique, and they avoid the lead often required to create crystal vases.

For sentimental purposes, and to avoid consuming new goods, you may have something valuable that you may be willing to pass on. Heirloom jewellery can be repurposed and integrated into the wedding itself. For example, a vintage brooch can be pinned on the bouquet or used in the bride's up-do. No fine jewellery of your own to pass on? No problem. Estate jewellery can be purchased at auctions, antique markets or on eBay.

The Adventurous Couple
Another way to support a couple's eco-friendly lifestyle is to purchase items that will enhance their experience of the great outdoors. Outdoor outfitters have plenty of choices from camping gear (stoves, tents, water purification systems, and portable showers) to outdoor clothing to more expensive items like hammocks and kayaks. If the couple likes to enjoy nature a little closer to home, embellishments for a garden or patio will have a lasting impact. Stone statues, a rain barrel, a bird bath, hanging lanterns, or ceramic outdoor planters make beautiful wedding gifts.

Another gift idea that will offer the newly weds a unique experience is a membership to the local national parks. Also, a Wwoof membership will get the couple out volunteering, learning and staying on a network of organic gardens and farms all across Canada and the United States in exchange for help and participation on the farm. Only you would know if your adventurous couple would enjoy a chance to learn about organic gardening and getting away from the city on weekends.

The Already-Has-It-All Couple
The carbon footprint of a local, handmade item like pottery, tapestry, hand-blown glass or artwork is considerably less than items packaged and shipped from overseas. Take a trip to the local farmer's market, art district or tourist area to find distinctive local treasures. The added value of local items is that they carry the unique flavour and culture of the region. A framed photograph, sculpture or painting from a local artist may be a little risky, but if you know the couple's tastes in art, this could be a great keepsake.

Who doesn't love to receive the toasters, silver cutlery, espresso makers and candlesticks that make up the majority of wedding gifts? But you can rest assured that the other wedding guests will take care of those purchases. Your choice of a uniquely green wedding gift will resonate with your eco friendly couple, whose sights are fixed on creating a bright future for themselves and the earth.

EcoSmart Products is the North American distributor of AusPen eco-friendly markers. AusPen dry-erase markers are non-toxic, made of recycled materials, and they are refillable so you can stop throwing away disposable markers. AusPen markers are helping businesses, schools and homes reduce their waste, eliminate toxins, and save money. Refill, not landfill. It's a simple act of green.

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Shop For Bridal Gowns Online

Posted byRelationships Tips Guides

For all newly engaged girls, hunting for wedding gowns is bound to be a really exciting and interesting affair. With ever changing fashion trends and various models of bridal gowns available, it has become really difficult to select the one that you would want to wear on your wedding day. Wedding gowns are treasured for the memories they represent. It is a one time affair but the memories that are going to be stored last a life time. Statistics show that the people spend a major portion of their wedding budget on wedding gowns. Getting the right wedding gown, that will make the bride look beautiful and elegant is indeed a daunting task.

With the advent of internet, wedding dresses are available online. There is an exclusive range of bridal dresses created by top designers which is now available online. You no longer have to travel to various shops to get the bridal dresses of your choice.

Things To Consider While Choosing Wedding Dresses

There are certain points that you need to bear in mind while shopping for wedding dresses online.


There are a number of sites that offer bridal gowns online. Make sure you place the order with a reliable site. You can easily do this by making use of consumer review forums. Many customers write about their experiences in these forums. They will help you in making the right choice. Also, check out the contact address of the company to verify if the company is the genuine. You could also get feedback from your friends and relatives who have shopped for wedding dresses online.

Attention To Detail:

In many cases, women complain about the wrong dress being delivered or wrong color. This could be the fault of the customer or the company. When you decide to buy bridal gowns online it is very important to pay attention to the minutest details put up by the store owner. The store owner is selling the bridal gowns virtually and he will include number of footnotes which will give you an idea about the colour of the dress, pattern, models, size and other details. As a bride, you might prefer particular shades. Make sure that the dress you find online meets all your demands and place your order only after you are fully convinced and satisfied.


Measurements have to be accurate. Only then, the dress that you buy online will fit you well. After selecting the wedding gown, ensure that the size you require is available with them. Make sure to give them the exact measurements. The easiest way to get the measurements is with the help of an expert tailor. Most of the bridal gowns that are available online are created by top designers and they are available in standard sizes.


Some suppliers may request you to pay small amount as advance for order confirmation while others will require full payment after you receive the wedding gown. It is very important to understand the terms and conditions of payment before making a choice. Many store owners may also give you other added offers like discounts or accessories for the bridal gowns or free shipping.

With the most discerning stylish brides and celebrities as clients such as Kylie Minogue, Rachael Ward, Kate Cebrano, Tina Arena and Natalie Bassingthwaite, our creations belong on red carpets around the world. The Baccini & Hill team brings cutting-edge inspiration to Australia's bridal market and are experts in bridal gowns and wedding dresses Melbourne.

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Planning for the Perfect Wedding

Posted byRelationships Tips Guides

So what are the things that you need to do when planing for the perfect wedding. There are a number of jobs that need to be considered we will be looking at these jobs. This list is an indication of possible task but be aware there may be other things that you will need to do due to your personal circumstances. But it is useful to write down all the task that need to be done and you can also set dates when they should be completed by and people who will be doing those task. So with that said let us look at the various task that may be involved.

Booking the hall.

One of the important things is to book the hall well in advance, it could be wise to book it up to a year ahead. Good halls tend to get booked up very quickly. Because of the fact that it is very important to find your hall in good time. It is important not to leave this till the last moment as this could add to stress. So it is important to plan this with a lot of time.

Registering the wedding.

It is important to register the fact you are getting married in the local area where you both live. It could be useful if you both currently live in the same Borough. You can contact your local council office for more information on registering. Exchanging the bands is something that you will normally hear. The bands is a term that is associated with the announcing of the wedding.

The guest list.

Working out the guest list is important. This can be a difficult part, as the list can get long but every couple will be working to a budget. One of the main problems is who to invite and who not to invite. One of the criteria could be based on very close family and friends could get an invite. Another criteria could be based on inviting people who have invited you to wedding in the past or other engagements.


The catering is another important area that needs to be looked at, this will tend to be governed by the number of people who are being invited to the wedding. Some families may do the catering themselves and others may pay a catering company to do this task. By paying a company to do this task can allow you to benefit from other services they may offer such as decorating the tables etc.

The clothes.

One of the important area is choosing the clothes that will be worn on the day, a lot of attention tens to go in this area. The suit that a groom wears and the dress that a bride wears can be expensive items. A bride will be looking for the perfect dress, and the choosing of the dress can be an important occasion. This could involve visiting many shops and trying on a number of different dresses. Some nice dress could be quite expensive, but even some reasonable price priced dresses can be made to look exclusive by adding the right types of trimmings. The type of trimmings used can have a very powerful effect, so the trimming used needs careful thought. There is a large number of trimmings currently available so creating the right effect can be done by the right selection. One good place for trimming ideas is a company called neotrim who have a wide range of interesting trimmings. The trimming is a simple but very effective way of adding your personal touch to the perfect wedding dress.

The Rings

Getting the right ring is important as this is something that you will have after the wedding day is over. Rings can vary in price and looks, but the right ring can send out a very powerful message. The design of the ring tends to be a matter of personal choice, so if would be useful to visit a number of different shops to get an idea of what is available. It is also a nice practice to engrave the inside of the ring with the name of your partner and also the date of your wedding.


The jewels that are worn can greatly enhance the wedding dress. There are different types for example costume jewellery, fashion jewellery to name just two. Some dresses can be greatly enhanced by the addition of the right well positioned jewels. A couple of useful links for getting interesting Jewellery ideas is Janeo Jewels by looking at different ideas you will be in a better position to choose the jewellery that gives the best effect to your dress.

The photographer.

Having your wedding recorded well is very important, you should decide if you want photos taken or a video of your wedding or both. It is useful to use a person who has been referred by some one who has already received a good service from other people who are doing the job.
So look at all areas of your wedding and allow enough time and enjoy the planning as this is a part of the experience.

The Flowers.

This is another area to be considered a number of companies that can provide this service, so it is good to shop around. It is a good idea if you can get recommendations from people who have used the services in the past of any company you may be considering.

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How to Choose the Best Wedding Rings

Posted byRelationships Tips Guides

The sheer variety of wedding rings on offer may confuse you when you are out to choose the perfect piece for your partner! What kind of wedding ring should you get? Should you go for delicate pieces or more practical designs? What metal should you opt for? Relax - we'll give you a few simple tips that will help you get the best!

First off - decide on a budget! Only you can decide what you can afford to spend on your wedding ring. Have a reasonable estimate in mind and try not to go over the top! You'll need to decide between platinum, gold, titanium, silver or even diamond rings - and a budget will help things along right at the start!

Think about your lifestyle - it's not just about your budget of course. Your lifestyle will be a deciding factor too! For instance, titanium and tungsten are tough metals. If you have a lifestyle that involves a lot of physical labor - these would be better choices for you. All metals except tungsten WILL scratch with use, of course. So go for a finish that can be re-polished easily.

Your lifestyle will also decide whether you go for intricate, delicate designs or practical and hardy options. A wedding ring that is delicately designed and encrusted with precious stones may be a good option if you are not into rough and heavy work. But if you're into mountain climbing as a regular activity- you might want to rethink that delicately crafted ring!

The shape of the hand - whether you are choosing the ring for yourself or your partner - it needs to be in keeping with the shape of the fingers and the hand! What are we talking about? A slender hand or fingers would look better in a wedding band that is slimmer - about 5mm or less. If your fingers are broader in shape, go for wider bands.

Do your homework - Find out more about the precious stones and the metal being used for your ring. You'll make a more informed decision that way. You will also have a better idea about the costs involved. You don't want to secure a 'bargain' diamond ring - only to find out you paid a hefty sum on a cloudy and yellow version!

What's more, not all precious stones can be used on wedding rings. That's because some, like Opal, may be too delicate for everyday wear.

The comfort factor - weddings rings are meant to be worn round the year - so the comfort factor will be all important when you are considering the best ring for your partner. Make sure the ring does not have sharp edges. You should also ensure that the inside of the ring curves softly. This will make the ring sit easier on the finger - and will therefore be more comfortable.

There - that wasn't too tough, was it? Remember these tips when you are choosing wedding rings - and you'll manage to find that perfect piece that will be cherished forever!

Mark West invites you to find the perfect engagement ring at Wedding Ring Guru. The most affordable wedding ring dealer in the universe!

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