What Do I Say To Get Her Back - A Secret Strategy to Hook Her Interest Again

Posted byRelationships Tips Guides

You've just gone through a breakup and you don't know what to say to get her back. This is a common problem for many guys, and with good reason; men and women speak different languages! So here's a simple strategy on what to say to get her back.

1. Put on your "happy" face.

You need to communicate to her that you're okay with the breakup (even though you're not, of course). Tell her that you understand her reasons for breaking up. Act like it's okay, and you're going to move on.

2. Apologize, but don't over-apologize.
A simple "I'm sorry for the mistakes I made, and for how I hurt you" is enough. It's important that your apology is sincere, though.
Just don't over-apologize, as that portrays you as being wimpy, or weak. Simply do your apologizing and mean it - and then move on.

3. Say "there's no pressure."

You want to leave the doors open for her, should she be inclined to want to get back to you. But you don't want to pressure her to come back to you.

A simple statement that you don't expect anything from her is enough. Something like:
"I know why you wanted to break up, now. I'm sorry things turned out like they did. I really hope we can (be friends, stay in touch, whatever you'd like)."

This communicates to her that you're willing to stay in contact, and you're leaving the door open.
Note: don't expect anything from her right away. She won't have seen this coming; your behavior will most likely be a pleasant surprise to her. So she might want some time apart, in which case you'll need to work on the next aspect of reconnecting with her after a breakup.

4. Leave her alone for a bit.

Now that you've done that, it's time to start working on yourself. Getting your head into a clear place again is a great idea after a breakup. How to do this? Focus on your favorite hobbies and activities. Get outside and play your favorite sports again. Call your friends for a game of football in the yard.

Rent some movies. Catch up on work. Do things that are healthy, positive distractions - and you WILL start to feel better. It may take a few days for the positive moods to come back, but if you really make the conscious effort to heal, you will.

Special bonus tip:

I've studied these techniques to a T, and they've worked for me. Each step in this blueprint I'm going to give you will explain exactly what you need to do to clear your mind, get back in touch with her, and get her to be attracted to you again.

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