When Should You Send Wedding Invitations?

Posted byRelationships Tips Guides

You are well into the process of planning your wedding. The number and types of invitations available is overwhelming. The thought crosses your mind that you may not get the invitations in the mail by the proper date. But when should you send your wedding invitations? After all, you still need to pick out the invitations, complete the guest list, and get the invitations printed and addressed. Will you be ready in time? Let's look at what the customary time frame is to get your invitations in the mail. There are also several other invitation types to consider in addition to the one to the ceremony and reception. You can use your wedding invitation mailing date to figure out when to send your save-the-date card and rehearsal dinner card.

A save-the-date card is an optional post card sent out as a preliminary invitation before your real invitations. A great example of a case when you would use a save-the-date card when be if you are expecting many out-of-town guests. Sending out advanced invitations gives your out-of-town guests a little more advanced notice so they can plan on attending. The same rule applies to destination weddings. The customary time that a Save-the-date card gets put in the mail is no later than 4 months before the wedding. To look at it another way, you want to send out the save-the-date card no later 2 months before your wedding invitations goes in the mail. You can send them out as early as 6 months before the wedding date. The 6 month time frame would be more appropriate for destination weddings. The extra time gives people for of a chance to plan.

The next invitation to get put in the mail is your wedding invitation. The best time to get it in the mail is 2 months to 6 weeks before the wedding. You want the wedding invitation to get to your guest's mail box no later than 6 weeks before the actual date of the wedding. On the opposite side, you don't want your invitation to arrive any earlier than 2 months before the wedding. If you want to decide on the date to send your wedding invitation first, you can subtract two or three months and get a date for sending out your save-the-date card.

If you are planning to have a rehearsal dinner after the wedding rehearsal, then you will want to send out a separate invitation to the event. You want to make sure the guests know they are invited since this is a smaller group than is actually invited to the wedding. This invitation should go in the mail a few days after the wedding invitation. You want them delayed slightly but guests will need to make plans so they are available the day before the wedding. Having the invitations arrive around the same time will give your guests an idea of how to plan their weekend. This timeline will also make sure they are not surprised with an invitation at the last-minute. Be sure to communicate with the groom's side of the family or whoever is hosting the rehearsal dinner. They will be in charge of sending out the invitations for the event. They will appreciate the information so they get their planning completed on time.

Wedding planning goes more smoothly when you have a plan in place. Take a look at the dates you want to send out invitations early in the planning process. Making these plans will help make sure that you are not waiting to the last-minute to order invitations or get them addressed. Your guests will enjoy your wedding so much more because they have had time to make the proper plans.

Brian Sneed is the found of eWeddingAssistant.com, which is Online Wedding Planning Software. Access and plan your wedding from any computer with an internet connection. The Web-based Wedding Organizer includes a guest list manager, budget planning, to do list, calendar, gifts, and so much more.

Find out more information about the eWeddingAssistant Guest List Wedding Planning Tools.

Find out more information about the eWeddingAssistant Wedding Organizer Calendar.

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