Types of marriage:
The most common form of marriage is the marriage between a man and a woman (monogamy). Marriage of a man or a woman for more than two partners is called polygamy. If a man marries a woman named polygyny; If a woman marries more than one man is called polyandry. Even if it comes to crime in India, is an accepted practice in some culture. In some cultures the wedding group where the two men, marrying two women is allowed. Although this marriage involves two men and two women accepted sexual practice is heterosexual.
History of marriage:
Establishment of a previous marriage. But every culture can have a legend about the origin of marriage. Arranged marriage was the norm in the ancient times in India. Even if you are weakening the grip slowly organized marriage is still common in the modern, industrialized India. The story of arranged marriage date to the 4th century. For a long time, in Indian society, marriage occurred between two pre-adolescent children, made by the parents. It was common in ancient India, but spreads in medieval times. Although it is not common, there are still some cultures that practice with this practice. Similar to the current day, in ancient times, there was an intermediary person that helps parents of the bride and groom to get the right match. He checked the birth charts of the bride and groom to see if they match and also help in the process of negotiating the place of marriage, etc.
The Caste system in India has a long history. This is the social necessity. Workers with different unique skills necessary to do a particular job for the company to operate and run smoothly. Over time, this Division of Labour led to the birth of the caste system. This has also led to the practice of marriage between the bride and groom of the same caste. This could be because the family wanted to procreate children and keep the caste in the social order. The marriage was permitted only with a caste and inter caste marriage was prohibited, certainly one of the upper and lower castes. Unfortunately it is the same even now throughout India. We haven't yet heard of disturbances and troubles in various parts of India because of intercaste marriage. ' Bollywood and Kollywood had churned out dozens and dozens of film with this theme intercaste marriage '.
Although polygamy and polyandry are now criminal offences, in olden days was for political reasons. King marry more than one woman for political advantage.
How to organize your marriage was the norm, falling in love was considered sin or some sort of insanity in ancient times. But the King did conduct a ceremony called a Swayamvara for their daughter when choosing their future husbands. The Prince who comes to such a ceremony impress Princess with their skills and exotic features.
The dowry:
The dowry is money, property or goods that the bride leads to husband's family. It is also known as trousseau or tocher, dos. The idea of dowry the bridegroom is helping to set up and feed and give financial protection for the new family in the event of loss of the head of the family-husband, householder. Dowry is different from the dower and the price of the bride. The price of the bride is the amount paid by the groom with the bride's parents. Dower, on the other hand, is the property settled by the groom at the time of the marriage on the bride herself. All these practices can co-exist in the same culture. The practice of dowry precedes the records. The code of Hammurabi describes about the practice of dowry.
The dowry was practiced widely in Europe and Asia extensively. There are ample evidence of this practice in Europe. Ancient Greeks and Romans also practiced dowry as suggested by Tacitus. William Shakespeare hinted about the dowry in King Lear; When one of Cordelia's wooers came to know that the King would not give any dowry, ceased to woo her.
Help the poor bride with dowry was regarded as one of Europe's ancient noble act. Apparently St. Nicholas helped presumably three poor sisters providing their dowry in their Christmas stockings. In France the monarchy has been helping poor brides with dowries to marry money.
In Asia, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Pakistan practice dowry even now. In India, the practice of dowry is banned by law the 1961 dowry prohibition in Indian civil law and subsequently by sections 498a and: of the Indian Penal Code.
Wedding rituals-facts:
• In Hindu wedding, Indian rice is thrown the freshly married couple; peas are thrown in Czech
• Queen Victoria began the practice of bride wearing a white dress in 1840. But in Japan had been the practice. For a long time.
• Ancient Greeks and Romans, to protect it from evil spirits, began the habit of wearing the veil of the bride.
• Indian Hindus have some auspicious days and months for the wedding. English believes Wednesday are the best day the worst day and Saturday to marry.
• Egyptian woman pinch the bride for good luck and the bride's family cooks food for a week after the wedding, so that you can relax married couple.
• It is believed that cutting the wedding cake tradition derives from the ancient Roman tradition to break a loaf of bread over the head of the bride for the sake of fertility.
• It is not only in the Hindu tradition, but also in many traditions around the world including Egyptian and Celtic, the hands of the bride and groom literally are tied together. This is to symbolise a commitment to each other. Because the term-' tying the knot '