The stage to speak. Try to remember any time when they were talking to her. Those who spoke, she or her? If you spoke more that is a sign she felt comfortable and talkative. If she talked, she kept eye contact with her, she smiled, laughing? If you did so it's a good situation. When interviewed she, she easily respond or you raised his eyebrows, give you a funny look as if it were a typical cliché, the demand or boring? She wants to know more about you? If you ask yourself which is a sign of interest. Did any discomfort silent moments occurring during the evening? Should keep away from these moments, as you can. If you can't find anything to say, try to look around to see if there is anything in sight, which we could talk.

Physical contact. It touches you, and if so, how did you respond? If you do not even try to touch it, which is definitely a minus sign. If touched her hand and she replied well, which is a good sign. Have you tried to kiss her, if so, how did she react? You don't have to kiss the first date, but sometimes it is good to show her that you want to kiss her, so if you've tried it and she refused to you, which is not a bad thing, it just means she is not yet ready for a kiss.
Analyze all these tips early date for men and think for a second. If you believe that doesn't blow it then call her and ask her out again. You could go back to the second date tips so go ahead and try. Good luck!